Bem vindos ao meu espaço

Poderia chamar esse lugar de meu lar. Aqui é a casa de meus sentimentos mais obscuros. Aqueles que muitas pessoas escondem, dos quais muitos têm vergonha, e que todos possuem.
Pois eu os mostro aqui a vocês, e provo que os piores sentimentos podem ser transformados em inspiração para as palavras mais belas.
Ana Luiza - FOLLOW ME

30 de dez. de 2008

I am Sorry

I’m sorry you can’t see me
I’m sorry you can’t touch me
I’m sorry you can’t touch my heart

Cause I was made of Ice
Cause I can’t have feelings
I can’t have anything but solitude

I’m so sorry you can’t understand me
I’m so sorry you can’t see my soul
I’m so sorry you’ll never be enough to me

Cause I was made of dreams
Cause anything real can’t make me alive
I survive by fantasies

I’m sorry I’m so far
But I am far
And nothing could change it

I’m sorry I am not yours
But I am not yours
And nothing will change it

I am so sorry
I swear I did try
But, it’s not my place
It is not who I am
And it’s nothing I can hide

Everyone sees
The lady of solitude
Walking alone
And lost in her own world

No one sees
That the lady is suffering
And reality hurts her all the time
But she did want to be the one

Destiny is a thing you always can change
But, for how long would be worth to give up being yourself?
Not too long
Not too long

I need to be mine
I need to be myself
I need to be in my dark place
Alone forever

I am so sorry
I will never be
I am so sorry
You can’t be with me
I’m so sorry
Nothing about me is real
Nothing will never be

26 de dez. de 2008

Marry Christmas...

I thought I was the only one who'd be alone and out of home
But, while I was walking in the wet street tonight
I saw I was wrong
Some people were walking under their umbrellas
(Maybe coming back home)
But any of them were alone.

They looked at me when I passed by
(like they were seeing something really strange)
I really was the only one alone,
and the only one under the rain
But I wanted
I wanted the rain to wash me and all my depressive feelins
This thing that is still killing me inside
This thing that, in the end, I can't hide.

I was walking until the sea
just feeling the sand under my feet
and thinking
"Why do I always have to be the only one sad, when everyone is happy?"

When I finally felt the cold water
I saw it doesn't matter
I'll always be alone
but never the only one

Maybe, on some part of this world,
Some one is looking to the sea too
And, like me, thinking
"Oh, God, where are you?"

Where is the only person in this world who could make me laugh?
Where is the one who would take me away from here?
Where is the one who'd be with me?

This citty is darker without the light of the stores
No problem
Darkness is already a part of me

That night I knew
that wouldn't be no back

The ocean is too big
But I only can see the waves arround me

and, that night, I knew
I would be forever alone
it still hurts me
I'm still bleeding
and I'm afraid it will never change

But, as the other people doesn't do tonight,
I know who I am
I know who I'll be
And I'm enough to myself

Maybe, some day
I'll know the one with who I am suposed to be
and than, after so many tears, so many pains,
I'll be free

But, for now
I'm just walking alone
the only one who's out of home

and, for now
I'll keep trying to hide this tear running through my face
and pretending I don't care to be alone
Just pretending
that I am strong

23 de dez. de 2008

Just enjoy my insane words

You had been in my mind for so long
And for so long I couldn’t stop dreaming of you
You were in my mind
Taking over of my heart

But I am still my self
I always new what I want
And you can’t be what I want
You’re not

I woke up
I’m still myself
And you can’t control me

Maybe I am stupid
Cause I was blinded for something more
But I was never weak
I never gave it to you
I will never give

I never hated a person only because I like that one
And now I do
I hate you

Any of those words make any sense
But, yes, that’s me!
And you’re still looking at my face and asking yourself “what is she thinking?”

You will never know
You will never know what I am thinking
You will never know who I am

I never hated so much a person only because that one doesn’t want to really know me
And now I do
I hate you

But now I can laugh of your face
You’re still trying to control me
You’ll never can

And you’re angry ‘cause you loose
But, look
You never got it

No one ever got me

So, dear
Don’t hate yourself because of that

No more pain for you
No more pain for me

Just shut up and get away from here

20 de dez. de 2008

Adeus. Perdão.

É apenas mais um dia
E mais uma dor
Uma apenas entre tantas outras que foram e serão

Porque eu deveria me importar?

Uma dor não é igual à outra
Mas os dias parecem ser todos os mesmos
E as palavras que ferem como lâminas se repetem sem cansaço

O que eu deveria fazer?

Por mais que eu tente fugir
Meus fantasmas me perseguem
Mesmo sem olhos eu sempre poderei ver

Quem eu deveria ser?

Não há como seguir os conselhos
Cada boca me diz palavras diferentes
Muitas delas cobertas de hipocrisia e incompreensão

Poderia eu pedir?

Tire-me daqui
Mostre-me a vida
Faça-me sorrir

Apenas ecos no escuro
Não há quem me escute, quem me entenda
E o futuro se estende a minha frente, escuro como a noite de lua nova

Não luto contra meu destino
A solidão sempre estará aqui
Somente ela ouve meus lamentos
Já é hora de partir

Aos que tentaram, eu peço perdão
A estes sempre pertencerá meu coração (eu o deixo aqui, agora)
Aos que me machucaram, o meu sorriso de escárnio
Jamais souberam quem eu sou

E eu caminho por esse tapete que me foi estendido
Sozinha, como sempre há de ser.
