Bem vindos ao meu espaço

Poderia chamar esse lugar de meu lar. Aqui é a casa de meus sentimentos mais obscuros. Aqueles que muitas pessoas escondem, dos quais muitos têm vergonha, e que todos possuem.
Pois eu os mostro aqui a vocês, e provo que os piores sentimentos podem ser transformados em inspiração para as palavras mais belas.
Ana Luiza - FOLLOW ME

8 de mar. de 2009


I’m so tired of your paradoxes

I see you looking at me
I see you looking through me

I see you saying I’m your life
And than I see you ignoring me

I do still have my heart
And it still gets hurted every time
You walk away and let me talking with the wind

Talking with the wind…
Even it listens to me
My scream is still a whisper

No one with me
Even you
Even the wind

I’m still alone
And I still can’t see anyone coming

Your truths suddenly become lies
And the lies suddenly become my life


I say I don’t fear anything
And I’m afraid


I say I don’t need anyone
And I’m still waiting the day I’ll see you arriving

My life…
You with me…

I’m still alone
In this room
With so many

Anyone is here
Anyone is real
Anyone sees me


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